Plans designed for your needs
Whether you're working in a business intelligence or analytics team, or providing services remotely, you'll find a subscription tailored to your unique needs.
Designed for publicly listed companies and government.
Scale advanced data intelligence capabilities effectively across complex organisations.
Feature prioritization and customization options
Regional options to meet data sovereignty requirements
Project or recurring invoicing to align with your budget
Support for more complex procurement requirements
Custom branding options to personalize your rollout
Connectors for Power BI and Analysis Services (AAS and SSAS)
Options to integrate with SSO and other existing systems
Dedicated account manager to ensure your success
Trajan Scientific and Medical
Find out how Data Vizioner helped Trajan navigate growing data complexity, improving data model performance and reducing ongoing maintenance costs.
Transform your data intelligence
We know that buying new software is complex, and ensuring a successful roll out and adoption is essential. Our team of highly specialized professionals will be on hand to assist you every step of the way. That's our commitment to you.
To keep things simple, we'll start out with a discovery call to better understand the challenges you're facing, who will be involved and whether Data Vizioner is likely to add value to your organization. Then we'll work with you to narrow down your needs, engage your stakeholders and plan a successful rollout - whether that's for one team, or across your organisation.